An Interview with the Four Leaders of the National Middle School Championship

In the first CLO report posted about the National Middle School Championship, we wrote the following:

"It is also worth noting — and celebrating — that, for the first time in US Chess history, all key chief positions for a national event are headed by women."

Four chiefs at NMS
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From left: Martha Underwood, AZ, Chief Tournament Director; Karen Pennock, AZ, Floor Chief; Maret Thorpe, IL, Backroom Chief; Kim Cramer, AZ, Chess Control Manager (Photo by Caroline King)

We put together a video to further memorialize the occasion. Dan Lucas, the US Chess Senior Director of Strategic Communication, talks to the four chiefs behind the scenes at the Atlanta event about their job roles at the National Middle School Championship, their US Chess directing histories, and their perspective on the evolution of female participation at the top levels of US Chess tournament directing.

It is available on our YouTube channel by clicking below:

